
They offer an unparalleled service remaining dedicated and professional throughout.
Established in 2000, Ian Cocker Precision Engineering has achieved recognition for quality services. However, in 2018 we were looking for business growth opportunities and the prospect of obtaining a superior customer base. We comprehended the need for an advanced management system that aligned with quality to coincide with our wider business strategies. ISO 9001:2015 was primarily necessitated to endeavour this particular direction within the business. ‘Clear Quality’ were at the forefront of this aspiration and were very efficient and effective in informing ICPE of the requirements needed to attain ISO 9001:2015. Monthly visits and actions were arranged in advance to ensure all areas of the QMS system complied with the international standards. Clear Quality demonstrated their knowledge and expertise in creating quality management systems combined with systematically understanding the demands of a growing business.
Clear Quality’s involvement in the process, helped us seemingly implement our management systems effectively to achieve accreditation. Clear Quality were thorough and insightful on the direction for us to take and the necessary developments needed to enhance our internal systems. Clear Quality are still providing a service to us to ensure continuous improvement of the QMS is maintained and remains a fundamental element to ICPE. while remaining dedicated and professional throughout. They offer an unparalleled service remaining dedicated and professional throughout and we would highly recommend them to any business requiring this service.